Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Google Meet Games!

Check out these photos form Rongomatane Google Meet this morning! Today we played a game where we practised our letter sounds as well as our fitness! 

I would call out a letter or a sound and the students would race to find an object in their home which had that letter or sound. You can see lots of orange objects for the short vowel sound 'o' and lots of eggs shown for the short vowel sound 'e'. There were plenty of apples being eaten after they shared apples for the letter 'a' and a variety of objects for the 'g' sound. My favourite was the sound 'm' where there were lots of 'mums' on our screen for the photo! 

It wasn't until the end that everyone realised we had spelt out the word RONGOMATANE! 


  1. What a fun game! Sounds like that would have come up with some interesting objects!

  2. That sounds like a lot of fun Rongomatane! I enjoyed seeing all the faces in the photos!
