Wednesday, September 1, 2021

More Learning At Layla's

Layla has been doing some research on eggs and the different animal eggs. She has drawn what the eggs look like for a praying mantis, a flea, a turtle, a duck, a chicken, a fish and an Ostrich. Great research Layla!

Layla has also completed her 'My Mai' poster. That's wonderful that there aren't many foods you don't like Layla. I see you would like to learn how to make spaghetti bolognese. Maybe you could ask Eden for some help as she is making this for her dinner party. 


  1. What great learning you are doing Layla, isn't it interesting learning about different kinds of eggs. The ostrich egg is enormous, especially when compared to the other eggs that you have investigated.
    Loved your Kai poster and hope you can get to make spaghetti bolognese sometime soon.

  2. Thanks Mrs Spence. Do you know of any other types of animals that have eggs? I am going to learn how to make spaghetti bolognase this week. It’s going to be so yummy! I have just been helping mum with our dinner tonight. We are having roast beef and roasted verges. My favourite!

  3. Very interesting the drawings about different sized eggs Layla. Love the menu for your party.
    Mrs Tearney
